Tarfin continues to lead the agricultural industry by providing technological and innovative solutions while also supporting farmers and agricultural dealers. Tarfin created the Income-Protected Package to ensure farmers can maintain production despite fluctuations in the economy. Through the Income-Protected Package, which is being piloted exclusively for wheat, Tarfin helps farmers to purchase their inputs for wheat production indexed to the value of the crop. Farmers are thus protected from economic shifts. Last week, this sales model, which has been already tested in a few regions, was introduced to farmers at the authorized sales point across Turkey.
Tarfin protects farmers from price increases
The purchase of agricultural inputs is based on the average of the common wheat category in the Turkish Mercantile Exchange (TMEX), and the farmers make payments that are indexed to the prices of the same exchange on the due date. The price cap is applied to make sure input purchases of farmers do not exceed a certain amount. Farmers can also easily monitor prices as wheat prices are presented in a transparent manner.
“We are committed to ensuring the sustainability of agriculture”
“Tarfin continues to support the industry in order to ensure the sustainability of agriculture and is committed to creating new solutions for the agricultural supply chain,” said Mehmet Memecan, CEO of Tarfin. “Our solutions aim to strengthen the position of our farmers by safeguarding them against the recent setbacks in the economy. Our Income-Protected Package will help farmers navigate the rising input costs, challenging economic conditions, and growing global supply. We support our farmers to maintain their purchasing power. We present a model that will safeguard not just the work of our farmers, who are an essential component of a robust economy, but also the value they bring to our country and the future, to ensure they move forward with confidence. We plan to expand the scope of this model, which is now accessible to wheat farmers, by including other product categories.”
About Tarfin
As Tarfin, we believe that farmers have crucial importance for our well-being, and we have pursued our activities to support farmers and farm operations since our establishment. Using proprietary machine learning-based agricultural risk scoring models, we ensure that Turkish farmers have access to all agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, and feed with competitive prices and the chance to pay at harvest. Via Tarfin Mobil, farmers are able to compare current prices of fertilizers, feed, and other agricultural inputs through vendors closest to them. Today, our farmers can easily reach us via Tarfin Mobil and more than 1200 authorized Tarfin retailers operating in more than 80 cities. Farmers who want to purchase their agricultural inputs from Tarfin on harvest payment or cash basis, visit our sales points in their region, complete their transactions within 4 minutes, and receive their agricultural inputs instantly.